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The “Face of Misogyny & Racism” is Trump

The “Face of Misogyny & Racism” is Trump and if you are uncomfortable looking, it might be because you are too.

There is a pattern of escalation and Donald Trump spent last week talking down to black women journalists who cover his presidency:

PBS Newshour correspondent Yamiche Alcindor,

During a White House press briefing, Alcindor noted that the president called himself a nationalist on the campaign trail, saying, “Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists. Now people are also saying…”

But not before Trump interrupted her and responded, “I don’t know why you say that, that is such a racist question.” Alcindor continued her question, adding that people believe Republican party is now supporting White Nationalists “because of your rhetoric,” Trump retorted, “I don’t believe it,” adding, “That is such a racist question,” pointing his finger at her, he said, “That is such a racist question.”

CNN reporter Abby Phillip:

Trump paused and cocked his head. “What a stupid question that is,” he said, wagging his finger at Phillip. “What a stupid question.”

She tried to respond, but Trump interrupted her saying, “I watch you a lot, you ask a lot of stupid questions,” before walking off to board Marine One, the presidential helicopter.

American Urban Radio Networks correspondent April Ryan:

During remarks on the White House lawn, Trump called Ryan, “nasty,” a “loser,” and added that she “doesn’t know what the hell she is doing.”

Trump’s misogyny or “hatred of”, “contempt for”, or “prejudice against” women is publicly displayed.  His hate is manifested in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification. Embarrassingly,  this illustrates the vulgar display that America lacks leadership and has fallen as a global leader for human rights.

This man has led our country to this great divide, where people have begun to say, “Hush, don’t talk about it, the Economy is doing great. If you can’t say something nice, I will unfriend you — unfollow you”, over things that should be, without question,  morally repugnant.  My questions to them:

  • Did you tell your daughter to be quiet when her grandfather molested her?
  • Did you tell your daughter to be quiet so her father would stop beating her?
  • Did you tell your son it was his fault for the beating because he dresses like that?
  • Did you tell your son to ask God for forgiveness for accusing the Priest of raping him?
  • Does the “dangling carrot” of an increase in your bank balance help you forget the atrocities you silenced?
  • Why did Trump’s legions believe that an elitist would lead them to salvation and financial freedom? That answer is simple.

It is the nature of a demagogue to exploit the ignorant.

And Trump has exploited the ignorant and empowered men to shoot and abuse women, children to praise Hitler, violence against religions, and Caucasians to hate people of color. Again, ask your neighbors, friends, colleagues, and adversaries why they voted for a demagogue?

By definition,  Demagogues appeal directly to the emotions of the poor and uninformed, pursuing power, telling lies to stir up hysteria, exploiting crises to intensify popular support for their calls to immediate action and increased authority, and accusing moderate opponents of weakness or disloyalty to the nation.

Superficial politeness has been given a platform to fester cultivated hate. With that said, I will continue to uphold equal humanity for it is in my nature, and I do not care if you are uncomfortable as you hide your own Face of Misogyny & Racism.


Fed Up

Response to:
“Suburban Women: The New Vanguard of a Cosmopolitan Uprising?”


For many women, it is simple. We are fed up.

Sadly, suburban or not, our community & Country has reached a level of violent threats that include hate crimes towards women, against our friends, and ourselves.  People now openly threaten to beat women over customer service dilemmas. It has reached a level where oppositional critics rally for aggression while dismissing the request for assistance in preventing further violence.

The current public attitude is “that’s your problem.”  Instilling violence against women in our community is not productive, and using social media posts to inflame a derogatory & savage retaliation is vulgar. Wearily, I realized that I was able to disrupt the progressive narrative about women, but I had done nothing to secure its prosperous growth.

And that is the problem; women between the ages of 35-55 have done very little to maintain the equality milestones our predecessors created. In 1919, women stood outside the White House and demanded that they are allowed to vote. New laws in the 1920s would promote women’s health and education. In the 1960s and 70s, feminists guaranteed, under the law, limited equal rights in the workplaces of universities and colleges and secured the use of contraception, along with abortions rights.

Now we are mad, fed up, screaming “me too”, your “times up”. It is that simple. Suburban, urban, rural or exurban are inconsequential factors.

As a businesswoman, I seek out and maintain sustainable practices in the multiple businesses I run. Sustainability rests on the principle that we must meet the needs of the present without compromising the abilities or opportunities of future generations. Therefore, if we are given a chance to influence other people, we should not influence their hate, jealousy, or anger.

We have wasted almost a half century, and things have not become better. Women were slipping. But now, we are fed up. We need to get back up and push ourselves, push our pain to where we need to be. Our pain will move us from where we are today to where we want to be in the future.

Women have an opportunity of a lifetime.

Women, if you want this to be your decade, you must give up the trivial. Stretch, work day and night, and reach for your unfolding future. We are inches away from losing all those rights the women and men before us had struggled to achieve. You don’t want it bad enough if you’re going to relax on the weekends. You can’t relax, you must get up and decide how you are going to fix this it. We need to teach valuable skills and life-long lessons emphasizing that Women’s Rights are invaluable to our society. Teach young girls that poise and grace can exist with grit and passion. Because this is a long hard fight, do you have the skill and determination to stay in the game? I do; challenge me, be stronger than me, make us all reach towards a better future for Women.

I’m fed up.

Jenneffer Pulapaka



Women Who Hate Women

Women who hate women

What is cultural sexism?
It refers to the selectively unjustified negative behavior against women or men as members of a social category. It is particularly used to denote discrimination against girls and women. Research has suggested four levels of sexism? Individual, social/structural, institutional, and cultural.

If women hate women,  what is a female misogynist?
Simply put, a misogynist is that person who hates women.

Recent Office Scenario:
Recently a woman called the office, set up an emergency appointment for the next morning. The next day she shows up 45 minutes late. She never called to inform staff she was going to be late or reschedule. Furthermore, there was no emergency. When my female manager canceled her appointment, she became belligerent. One could hear the childish rant as she huffed off after attacking with women with vulgar comments. Well, when she received her no-show/same day cancellation bill, things became hysterically comical over the phone. All of her attacks were towards the women in the office on a personal, educational, social, and cultural levels.

This lead to an open discussion with my staff about the self professing, “fun loving, peace happy” woman.  My Team believed if it were a male physician, this would not have happened. If she were talking to a male manager, she would not have continued her unjustified negative behavior. There was a clear understanding that they were attacked for being women. They evaluated her previous visits & encounters noticing several key points. We know that education is the key to success. So let’s get educated on how a female misogynist behaves.

How to Identifying a Female Misogynist

  • She will zero in on a woman and choose her as their target.
  • As time goes on, her Dr. Jekyll & Ms. Hyde personality begins to show. She may change quickly from charming to rude, and from rude back to charming.
  • She will make promises to her women friends and often fails to keep them. With men, on the other hand, she will almost always keep her word.
  • She will be late for appointments and get-togethers with her women friends, but be quite punctual with men.
  • Her behavior toward women, in general, is extravagant, bitchy, controlling, and self-centered.
  • She is extremely competitive, especially with women. If a woman does better than her socially or professionally, she feels terrible and may attack aggressively towards them.
  • She will unknowingly treat women differently from men in the workplace and social settings, allowing men various liberties for which she will criticize female colleagues or friends.

According to Psychology Today:
” Women haters get off on treating women badly. Every time they can put down a woman or hurt her feelings, they unconsciously feel good because deep down in their hidden brain, their bad behavior is rewarded with a dose of the pleasure chemical dopamine—which makes them want to repeat the behavior again and again.”

Here are a few come-backs to choke the fire and break the cycle.

1.  You’re the adult, control the behavior quickly
“Did you just say that…in the office? Tone it down. ” Make it non-negotiable.

2.  Volley back against predictable attacks
Go there first. “Ms.X, you’re getting emotional. Let’s get back to the issue–whether this or that.”

3.  Call out the insult directly
“It sounds like you’re calling our office women dumb, and that hurts my feelings! You need to stay on topic without being offensive”.

We are exposed to misogynistic attacks by men and women based on our individual reasons, social interactions, the level of education, and lifestyle customs. Hence, giving your female team the ability to have strategies for a verbal repartee is important and makes your workplace a little better for the other women around you.




The Perspective Drawing Room on ERA

The Perspective Drawing Room on ERA

The post I placed on Facebook was meant for spin and reflection.  It is an interesting look into the drawing room of a man’s mind with regards to the equal rights amendment and accepted subjugation of women in the workplace & home.

Women, you need to get mad, very mad.  History shows that this will not end well for us.


What hollow words from a pro-misogynistic and ineffectual leader. Show women you have advanced beyond your pussy grabbing, children voyeur, body shaming tactics that got you elected. Your behavior may have been acceptable to the minority of women who voted for you, but you are grossly inadequate and unacceptable to the majority of women in the United States. Elevate women, finish the deal and provide constitutional protection with liberty and justice for all. Women are entitled to equality of rights under the law that shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on the account of sex.

MAN: I’m a little confused, Jenneffer. What “Constitutional Protection” and “Equality of Rights” are Currently being denied women by President Trump?

ME: What I wrote was for him to elevate women and provide them constitutional protection. Equal rights for all has been unfinished business in the United States. Doing so would not require spending or a budget. So maybe this is a deal he can finish.

MAN: You still didn’t answer the question as to what specific Constitutional protections and rights women are Currently being denied?

ME: Let me ask you, other than voting/suffrage, where are a women’s rights protected? Amendment 14 does not reflect equality, but discusses the rights guaranteed. Such that you are not deprived, but it does not protect equality of sexes. Equality. I wan…See More
Like · Reply · 2 · 13 hrs

MAN: OK, Jenneffer. I have no argument with “Equality”,and I respect, your position of a “Level playing field”. Maybe my gender, (and age) 😉 prevents me from seeing where women are denied “Equal Justice”. Would you propose “Tilting” the Playing field to achieve your goal?

ME: I want an agreement of equality protected by my government. I did not detail any tilting in my statement.
Like · Reply · 4 · 12 hrs

MAN: Last comment: (Promise) >>> I See just the opposite. The minute you get the government involved in “Equalization”, you HAVE “Tilted” the playing field. (Just another form of “Affirmative Action”). The laws are already there preventing discrimination. Our constitution guarantees Equal opportunity, NOT Equal Outcome.
Like · Reply · 1 hr · Edited

ME: No, they are already “tilted” in favor of men. Men hold rights and women if treated unequally, must prove that they hold them. Scalia brought forth that women and men are not equal in the Constitution, specifically the 14th Amendment, does not protect against sex discrimination. A person may not be deprived certain liberties, but women are not entitled to equal distribution of them. There’s nothing the courts can do to protect women from government-sanctioned discrimination. Laws preventing women from working in certain professions, using property, building credit, obtaining bank loans/credit cards without husband consent, serving on juries, or working at night were upheld under this standard. Equal rights under the Constitution remove any ambiguity and allows the Courts a clear directive to rule on cases if need be.
Our country is founded on the Constitution; 50% of the people within the United States are not clearly addressed. The 14th Amendment additionally, directs the jurisdiction to the States to uphold the equal protection of the laws. It is possible a State may take away a women’s rights, and the Court will not have a Constitutional ground to rule in favor of equality.

Note: Title IX, addresses some of these issues, but it only addresses public and private schools/universities that receive federal funding.
Like · Reply · 2 mins

ME: Thank you that was fun.

  • This was written in response to Trump revoking the 2014 Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces order on March 27. Two rules were lost that had the strongest impact on women workers: paycheck transparency and a ban on forced arbitration clauses for sexual harassment, sexual assault or discrimination claims. By overturning the Fair Pay order, Trump made it possible for businesses with federal contracts to force sexual harassment cases into secret proceedings. He is doing a great job of protecting his business partners and has opened the door to work place sex discrimination and sexual harassment, which is to be expected from a man that brags about his pussy grabbing skills. Female employee’s beware, claims against a company will be hidden again and you will not know who your sexual predators are, such as DJT himself.
  • Paycheck transparency is lost, making it harder for women to rectify discriminatory wages and the pay gap only increases as women become more educated and climb the corporate ladder. The previous Administration realized the abuse though the  Government Accountability Office and even published a report detailing the Federal Labor Law Violations by selected federal contractors.
  • Two words: Misogynistic Demagogue.
