“Trump won white women without college degrees by 27 points in November. He lost college-educated white women by 7 points to Clinton.” As I read the latest Washington Post article, “‘Just knowing he’s here makes me feel good’: Women at NRA convention”, along with sipping on my morning coffee, all I could do was laugh then recoil in fear as the nightmare unfolds that we are in Wonderland where the ruler is the “King of the Duds.” “Trump’s approval rating has been trending downward among women since he took office, …just 34 percent among all women.” I am awake, together with more women as they awake, we might be able to pull others out of this world of nonsense.
Now, let me be plain-spoken, Donald J Trump is a Demagogue. In, January, I shook up the hornet’s nest and ostended, “he is a leader that exploits prejudice and ignorance.”
Let me illustrate, a woman, “Jansen, doesn’t understand why, in her words, ‘so many topics have become controversial, such as Trump’s business ties.'” She continues, “‘He’s doing nothing but things for us. . . . To the resistance, it’s like, follow him. Take a chance. Follow him. He’s your leader.'” The absurdity of her quote makes things become, curiouser and curiouser! “‘I’ll be damned if anybody’s going to tell me that I can and can’t do something.’ ” Thereupon, she denotes to hell with laws and rules, the things that define government. Her irrationality is the embodiment of ungovernable, blind, and aimless fury.
Lafavor, a woman, “’born and raised in the woods.’” Equates the NRA rally and her Second Amendment right to a “‘man’s playground,” she said, waving her hand toward the convention hall. ‘This is Disney World for men. . . . It’s comfortable, familiar for me, personally. But most women, not so much.’” To this I scream, “wake up”.
Finally, when the dirt is laundered, it remains about money. “’I’m ready for that wall to be built,'” said Patricia Valentine, 67, who is adamant about deporting Mexican citizens. Be that as it may, DJT in this very rally said, “’freedom is a gift from God.’” Does your leader have the holy retribution to take what God has given another? Dolefully, his followers are lost on the simple and logical connection. Valentine continues, “’I’m ready for him to cut taxes on businesses like my husband had,'” and inescapably, there it is – Capitalism. Money is their blood of life.
As I questioned before, “why did legions believe that an elitist would lead them to salvation and financial freedom? That answer is simple. It is the nature of a demagogue to exploit the ignorant.”
With that said, I will continue to uphold equal humanity for it is in my nature.