QUESTION: Why do you want Donald J Trump to have another four years?
REPUBLICAN #1 : I want someone who stands against abortion. I want someone who increases legal immigration and discourages illegal immigration or amnesty. I want someone who approaches politicians without the fear of calling them out and speaks their mind. I don’t want a career politician and prefer a smaller government over higher taxes and more social services than we need. I want a strong military and more jobs for Americans. I don’t want a career politician in the White House. America can and will come together when DT is re-elected. This is why voting is important and allows for all of us to choose who we feel will best lead this country. I will respect whoever is elected and pray they lead our country to its fullest potential.
REPUBLICAN #2 : Biden had his chance for 8 years and many of the issues we face today were present back then as well.
MY RESPONSE : You answer the question by starting with your objections to abortion. In doing so, I make the assumption that it is the young life inside the mother you value over the mother’s life. I am therefore driven to decide why you value one life over another. A fundamental difference stands out, age. Do you value a younger life over an older life? Once you set your foundation on ageism, you open the door to question one’s ability to provide any services to adults or seniors. That is a reckless personal position for a healthcare provider. Alternatively, is your position that the baby should not have to be sacrificed due to the mother’s actions. To this end, I point out the definition of time, which is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future. All these roads end in a foundation of ageism; prejudice or discrimination against a particular age.
Next is the definition of illegal vs. legal persons and, in particular, the responsibility for or the attention to health, well-being, and safety of a person. When do you decide a person is entitled to care? From the above discussion, is it from the moment of conception? If that is your principle, then all people, regardless of their age, race, ethnicity, or their past actions, entitle them to care. In doing so, we should provide care, in a fiscally responsible manner, to every man, woman, child, immigrant, criminal, etc. irrevocable of their contributions to society or their community. Because if the duty is to provide health, well-being, and safety of a person is based on action, I refer you back to the unborn child’s societal contributions.
Trump’s own accord bears out that he is incapable of providing human beings care. He has demonstrated maleficence in his reckless endangerment of all people during this 2020 pandemic and the 2020 civil rights movement. These reckless actions have financial implications on a local, State, National, and global scale. Trump has failed on duty to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. The constitutional order that the President is sworn to protect is not enforced by DJ Trump. He is only acting in his own or his base’s views, not the entire people of the United States of America. He did not rise up to overcome and protect us from Domestic or Global crises.
I can continue to point out how one is pretending to have virtues, principles, or beliefs that one, in fact, does not have.
My reply to “Biden had his chance”; is that our Country has mutated. He may not have been the leader we wanted several years ago, but now – today – he provides the skills to take our Country out of this Domestic crises, whether it is from the 2020 Civil Rights battle or our Country’s natural disasters or the Global and Local impacts of climate and land abuse. I believe he has the skills required to address America’s issues with the best interest for all people living within America. Trump has been reckless in his ability to care for all people living within America. For these last four years, we have been discarded and ignored; this Country needs to be returned to “We the People”. We can have different views, yet it is the Leader’s responsibility to navigate all of their people together, not to be divisive.
My point is not about your values; it is about your party’s moral failure to appoint a decent presidential candidate. America is a diverse country, but just because we have different principles, it does not mean our President can abandon the job of administering rules of law justly for all. Trump is not an appropriate leader; he has failed to search for truth and care of people in America. Republicans are/were obligated to put forth a responsible candidate. The GOP should have informed citizenry and holds institutions and individuals to account, but they have not. Trump is not acceptable to be the President of the United States. You are missing the point, or you just gave up on morality. You chose the wrong person to deliver your principles to our Country. Trump is the problem; the Sin of the Calf or the Golden Calf.