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Response to a Republicans’ Reason for Voting for Trump into the White House Again

The diversity in America.

QUESTION: Why do you want Donald J Trump to have another four years?

REPUBLICAN #1 : I want someone who stands against abortion. I want someone who increases legal immigration and discourages illegal immigration or amnesty. I want someone who approaches politicians without the fear of calling them out and speaks their mind. I don’t want a career politician and prefer a smaller government over higher taxes and more social services than we need. I want a strong military and more jobs for Americans. I don’t want a career politician in the White House. America can and will come together when DT is re-elected. This is why voting is important and allows for all of us to choose who we feel will best lead this country. I will respect whoever is elected and pray they lead our country to its fullest potential.

REPUBLICAN #2 : Biden had his chance for 8 years and many of the issues we face today were present back then as well.

MY RESPONSE : You answer the question by starting with your objections to abortion. In doing so, I make the assumption that it is the young life inside the mother you value over the mother’s life. I am therefore driven to decide why you value one life over another. A fundamental difference stands out, age. Do you value a younger life over an older life? Once you set your foundation on ageism, you open the door to question one’s ability to provide any services to adults or seniors. That is a reckless personal position for a healthcare provider. Alternatively, is your position that the baby should not have to be sacrificed due to the mother’s actions. To this end, I point out the definition of time, which is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future. All these roads end in a foundation of ageism; prejudice or discrimination against a particular age.

Next is the definition of illegal vs. legal persons and, in particular, the responsibility for or the attention to health, well-being, and safety of a person. When do you decide a person is entitled to care? From the above discussion, is it from the moment of conception? If that is your principle, then all people, regardless of their age, race, ethnicity, or their past actions, entitle them to care. In doing so, we should provide care, in a fiscally responsible manner, to every man, woman, child, immigrant, criminal, etc. irrevocable of their contributions to society or their community. Because if the duty is to provide health, well-being, and safety of a person is based on action, I refer you back to the unborn child’s societal contributions.
Trump’s own accord bears out that he is incapable of providing human beings care. He has demonstrated maleficence in his reckless endangerment of all people during this 2020 pandemic and the 2020 civil rights movement. These reckless actions have financial implications on a local, State, National, and global scale. Trump has failed on duty to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. The constitutional order that the President is sworn to protect is not enforced by DJ Trump. He is only acting in his own or his base’s views, not the entire people of the United States of America. He did not rise up to overcome and protect us from Domestic or Global crises.

I can continue to point out how one is pretending to have virtues, principles, or beliefs that one, in fact, does not have.

My reply to “Biden had his chance”; is that our Country has mutated. He may not have been the leader we wanted several years ago, but now – today – he provides the skills to take our Country out of this Domestic crises, whether it is from the 2020 Civil Rights battle or our Country’s natural disasters or the Global and Local impacts of climate and land abuse. I believe he has the skills required to address America’s issues with the best interest for all people living within America. Trump has been reckless in his ability to care for all people living within America. For these last four years, we have been discarded and ignored; this Country needs to be returned to “We the People”. We can have different views, yet it is the Leader’s responsibility to navigate all of their people together, not to be divisive.

My point is not about your values; it is about your party’s moral failure to appoint a decent presidential candidate. America is a diverse country, but just because we have different principles, it does not mean our President can abandon the job of administering rules of law justly for all. Trump is not an appropriate leader; he has failed to search for truth and care of people in America. Republicans are/were obligated to put forth a responsible candidate. The GOP should have informed citizenry and holds institutions and individuals to account, but they have not. Trump is not acceptable to be the President of the United States. You are missing the point, or you just gave up on morality. You chose the wrong person to deliver your principles to our Country. Trump is the problem; the Sin of the Calf or the Golden Calf.



Jenneffer Pulapaka

2020, I am ready as I turn 50 soon! Evolve. I have listened to my patients and friends recommendations and heard their problems, complaints, and praise. And through that, I have learned to be more kind, compassionate, empathetic, and sympathetic to my patients, friends, family, and humanity. I want the BEST IN CARE for my patients. I want to be BEST IN LIFE for myself. I have adjusted to critical problems and have made positive changes as I progress forward. But, if a person continues to instill hostility towards me or my businesses after I have made positive and productive changes, what is the incentive for me or any person to respond to constructive criticism? A constant flow of criticism with no intention of being helpful is bullying or insulting. Being able to separate between an insult and criticism is a must.

Superficial politeness has been given a platform to fester cultivated hate. I challenged myself to promote projects that will support, encourage, and inspire people to be mindful and kind.

Through this year-long journey, starting in December 2018, I have discovered that sustainability rests on the principle that we must meet the needs of the present without compromising the abilities or opportunities of future generations. Therefore, if we are given the opportunity to influence other people, we should not influence their hate, jealousy, or anger.

To this end, I have been expanding my education in Wound Care and Lifestyle Medicine. I have learned that this way of practicing medicine involves the use of evidence-based lifestyle therapeutic approaches, such as a predominantly whole food plant-based diet, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substance use and other non-drug modalities, to treat, reverse and prevent all too prevalent lifestyle-related chronic disease. I can tell you every single day I learn about new studies. I am excited about learning. Because I can rebuild myself. I have the technology. I can make myself better than I was. Better…stronger…smarter. Welcome, 2020. I am better, I am evolving.


Dealing with a Stressful Workplace

Yoga - destress

Dealing with a Stressful Workplace

This article discusses the strategic ways and positive directions one can engage in when under stressful and emotionally draining workplace environments.

Remember, you are STRONG. You were made to do tough things. Ground down and find your foundation. What can you gain from this experience?

The Yoga Institute:
“The world is bound to unfairness. A person may face unfairness from time to time, while one-off situations could be moved on from; a recurring situation needs addressing. When it comes to workplace unfairness, fingers are immediately pointed towards the boss. Dealing with an unfair boss implies two things- one has been wronged & one needs to react. Yoga philosophy finds both as undesirable; Yoga prefers to take an active position over the victim stance or a reaction to action psychology.”

What to do with The Angry Boss:
“An unfair situation needs to be examined before drawing conclusions. Ask yourselves questions, has this been a recurring behavior on your boss’ part or was it a one-off instance? What was the event that triggered the behavior? Often, we make quick conclusions over a misread situation. It could be triggered by our ego or our baggage from the past, making us less compassionate towards our seniors.

Consider the situation once, from your boss’ point of view. If you have seen a sudden change of behavior, like forlornness, unexpected quietness followed by anger; there is a serious chance that your boss is going through something emotional, personally. In such a sudden switch, a bit of friendliness, compassion, and tolerance from your end can go a long way. It will be noticed by your boss and the edge could be pulled off from the everyday interactions. You could also seek your boss for a one-on-one conversation, calmly stating your grievances, try this only after covering your tracks, i.e. make sure you corrected your mistakes and then approach your boss for due reasoning.

But, if the situation continues to stay ugly even after you showed compassion, causing you stress or anger, in that case, resort to Pranayama. Regularly, start practicing deep breathing; slowly take a deep breath in, and gradually breathe out. This will calm your nerves, helping you to evaluate the situation more objectively. Consider your options; is it possible to move to a new role or department, thus cutting off direct interactions with the unfair boss? Or is it your blessing in disguise to explore your options for a career move or change of organization, entailing new opportunities?

A new start, be a new department role or a new company doesn’t come with the promise of total positivity and fairness. Dealing with a new manager can be equally tricky but, if you continue to use the same old patterns it will keep us stuck in a similar situation.

Practicing Parikarma, a Yoga technique which helps in purifying a person’s mind, includes Maitri (Friendliness), Karuna (Compassion), Mudita (Goodwill), Upeksa (Indifference for Evil), which helps in balancing our mind and deal with unfairness objectively. Being detached from situations with a witness-like attitude helps in better dealing with unfairness as it won’t potentially affect us emotionally. Following Pratipaksha Bhavana, teaches us to challenge our mind, and helps to shift and realign our energies. Thus, when negative feelings like greed, anger, delusion arise, shifting your attention in the opposite direction also goes a long way in dealing with sticky situations of unfairness.

A situation doesn’t define us, how we react to it is what defines us. Thus, when you can’t change an outside situation, change the direction of your focus, to bring some semblance for yourself.”

We are powerful and beautiful women. Negative women give us power as we learn to read a situation with an objective mind, not emotional, and practice positive variations that lead to strong, healthy relationships.
Support each other, lift each other up. You got this!


What a Patient Garden? What’s that?

Patients want and need healthy, affordable options for fresh vegetables and fruits. Thankfully, there are simple ways to help unhealthy patients who have said they often choose less healthy options because of cost.  Women a natural at nurturing, therefore start a conversation around the table and address our current food faults.

One way to help is by building a free community garden for patients, like the one right here at DeLand Foot and Leg Center – Plant to Plate Patient Garden. Here patients can access food and learn new ways to prepare them. Get everyone involved, make it a family investment.

Another way is with a physician-driven RX: Veggies & Fruits Program. To this end, we are working with local vendors and will be able to provide patients, that do not have enough money to purchase healthier food options, a prescription for free or discounted fresh produce/fruits locally. Seven of the “Ten Leading Causes of Death” are linked to poor nutrition, according to the CDC.

ONLY 9.3% of adults meet the daily vegetable intake recommendation.

“On average, Americans consume less fruits/vegetables and more protein. The top two reasons for this: the cost of and lack of access to good quality fruits/vegetables.”

Diabetes and prediabetes is on the rise, but diabetics can significantly reduce their HgA1c, when they eat more fresh vegetables from a community garden.

“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something.”

— The Plant to Plate Team

Why am I doing this? For the last 15+yrs, I have seen patients cycling through their doctors’ offices, and it is pills, pills, pills, tests, surgery, pills. Patients assume they are “healthy” under the control of pills, pills, pills.

Physicians have become an extension of the Drug/Device Companies. This way of thinking needs a reset. Recently, I saw a family member who reported their health as good, telling staff, “Nope, I have no medical problems.” Yet, their medication list was IMPRESSIVE and they were under treatment for: hypertension, elevated cholesterol, Afib, congestive heart failure, renal disease, diabetes, restless leg syndrome, edema, and arthritis.

My colleagues have to understand we have a problem: 7/10 Leading causes of death are nutrition-related.

Getting the Conversation Started:

Fresh is too expensive? We will help to find locations that offer free or discounted veggies & fruits. 

Changing eating patterns feels overwhelming – so use a replacement approach. Instead of chicken or fish on a salad use legumes (beans and peas), soy products, and nuts/seeds. 

“I don’t have the time to cook healthy meals,” so we will help with simple and basic ways to approach veggies.

Now, do you want to see if your doctor received drug or device company money? CHECK OUT: DOLLARS FOR DOCTORS. You can search by “name” OR put in your “City and State,” then rank by “HOW MUCH,” to find out who is the highest paid in your town. 

Remember, “the best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something.”

— The Plant to Plate Team

And so, we built a garden and so can you at your business.


The “Face of Misogyny & Racism” is Trump

The “Face of Misogyny & Racism” is Trump and if you are uncomfortable looking, it might be because you are too.

There is a pattern of escalation and Donald Trump spent last week talking down to black women journalists who cover his presidency:

PBS Newshour correspondent Yamiche Alcindor,

During a White House press briefing, Alcindor noted that the president called himself a nationalist on the campaign trail, saying, “Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists. Now people are also saying…”

But not before Trump interrupted her and responded, “I don’t know why you say that, that is such a racist question.” Alcindor continued her question, adding that people believe Republican party is now supporting White Nationalists “because of your rhetoric,” Trump retorted, “I don’t believe it,” adding, “That is such a racist question,” pointing his finger at her, he said, “That is such a racist question.”

CNN reporter Abby Phillip:

Trump paused and cocked his head. “What a stupid question that is,” he said, wagging his finger at Phillip. “What a stupid question.”

She tried to respond, but Trump interrupted her saying, “I watch you a lot, you ask a lot of stupid questions,” before walking off to board Marine One, the presidential helicopter.

American Urban Radio Networks correspondent April Ryan:

During remarks on the White House lawn, Trump called Ryan, “nasty,” a “loser,” and added that she “doesn’t know what the hell she is doing.”

Trump’s misogyny or “hatred of”, “contempt for”, or “prejudice against” women is publicly displayed.  His hate is manifested in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification. Embarrassingly,  this illustrates the vulgar display that America lacks leadership and has fallen as a global leader for human rights.

This man has led our country to this great divide, where people have begun to say, “Hush, don’t talk about it, the Economy is doing great. If you can’t say something nice, I will unfriend you — unfollow you”, over things that should be, without question,  morally repugnant.  My questions to them:

  • Did you tell your daughter to be quiet when her grandfather molested her?
  • Did you tell your daughter to be quiet so her father would stop beating her?
  • Did you tell your son it was his fault for the beating because he dresses like that?
  • Did you tell your son to ask God for forgiveness for accusing the Priest of raping him?
  • Does the “dangling carrot” of an increase in your bank balance help you forget the atrocities you silenced?
  • Why did Trump’s legions believe that an elitist would lead them to salvation and financial freedom? That answer is simple.

It is the nature of a demagogue to exploit the ignorant.

And Trump has exploited the ignorant and empowered men to shoot and abuse women, children to praise Hitler, violence against religions, and Caucasians to hate people of color. Again, ask your neighbors, friends, colleagues, and adversaries why they voted for a demagogue?

By definition,  Demagogues appeal directly to the emotions of the poor and uninformed, pursuing power, telling lies to stir up hysteria, exploiting crises to intensify popular support for their calls to immediate action and increased authority, and accusing moderate opponents of weakness or disloyalty to the nation.

Superficial politeness has been given a platform to fester cultivated hate. With that said, I will continue to uphold equal humanity for it is in my nature, and I do not care if you are uncomfortable as you hide your own Face of Misogyny & Racism.


What’s the big deal?

What’s the big deal? It’s just a kid’s allowance.

This is disturbing, just wait for it. A family knows it can get away with paying their own girls less: based on data from 10,000 families, that boys were given an average weekly allowance of $13.80, their female counterparts, were given only $6.71.

Boys $13.80
Girls $6.71

Boys $17.01
Girls $15.54

The most damning survey comes from Westpac, which found that boys earned an average of $48 for spending 2.1 hours on chores per week, while girls only got $45 for working for 2.7 hours on household jobs.

What the experts say: If you are giving an allowance, here are some quick tips.

“1. Be clear. Keep it simple, and be realistic. The key is letting kids know from the start what this money is to be used for.

2. Be consistent. It’s actually less important to make the “right” rules than it is to stick to whatever you decide.

3. Give control. It’s fine to have some spending rules, such as limited candy, no toy guns and a ban on lipstick for little ones. But in general, let your kid have the freedom to buy what she/he wants.

4. Use cash. Studies show that all of us spend more when we use credit or some other form of online payment, since the pain of paying is put off to the future.

5. No chores. Research shows that chores are good for kids because they teach responsibility. But no chores, unless you’re willing to negotiate each time you want your kid to empty the dishwasher.”

By — Beth Kobliner
One of the nation’s leading authorities on personal finance for young people, Beth Kobliner is a commentator and journalist and the author of two New York Times bestsellers: “Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance In Your Twenties and Thirties” and an essential guide for parents, “Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not).”

But, what does this translate into? This chore pay gap also demonstrates to girls that household work doesn’t count as work that should be rewarded. It’s no wonder then that when they grow up, women spend more than twice as much time on unpaid work (like childcare and household chores) as men do each week, while men find more time to relax, reported Pew Research.

Remember the 1980 Jane Fonda comedy Nine to Five?
Three women secretly take over the office management from their sexist boss. Those women put in place a flexible hour program, a daycare center, and equal pay. The movie ends with the three women opening a bottle of champagne and celebrating their achievements. When one woman comments that they still didn’t get equal pay, another responds that this is just the beginning and “they’ll get there”.

Thirty-eight years later, we’re astonishingly still not there. Republicans voted down the equal pay every time, citing the explanation of diverging professional preferences between men and women.  So, how does that impact your wallet?

Women are almost half of the workforce. They are the sole or co-breadwinner in half of American families with children.

Now, by age 37, women were earning $61,278 and men were earning $83,747.
Projected to age 60, assuming the college-educated Millennials experience earnings growth similar to similarly educated women and men that came before them, women would be earning $73,136 at age 60 and men would be earning $121,061.

Between the ages of 25 and 60, college-educated Millennial women, compared with men, would have lost more than a million dollars—$1,066,721 —if they work full-time, year-round in every year.

That is the cumulative lifetime earrings losses – $1,066,721.

Source: IWPR analysis of data from the 1975-2017 Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, Version 5.0).

White women will not reach parity, equal pay, until 2059. For women of color, the rate of change is even slower: Hispanic women will have to wait until 2233 and Black women will wait until 2124 for equal pay.

If women want change, it must start at home and the evaluation of their own family’s diverging allowance preferences. Then, they must make the decision to close the gender gap, teach young girls to ask for equal allowance/sports fees/equipment etc, for equal work.


Women Inspire Change!

Jenneffer Pulapaka

#pay #equality

#womenleaders #womenownedbusiness #womensrights


Fed Up

Response to:
“Suburban Women: The New Vanguard of a Cosmopolitan Uprising?”


For many women, it is simple. We are fed up.

Sadly, suburban or not, our community & Country has reached a level of violent threats that include hate crimes towards women, against our friends, and ourselves.  People now openly threaten to beat women over customer service dilemmas. It has reached a level where oppositional critics rally for aggression while dismissing the request for assistance in preventing further violence.

The current public attitude is “that’s your problem.”  Instilling violence against women in our community is not productive, and using social media posts to inflame a derogatory & savage retaliation is vulgar. Wearily, I realized that I was able to disrupt the progressive narrative about women, but I had done nothing to secure its prosperous growth.

And that is the problem; women between the ages of 35-55 have done very little to maintain the equality milestones our predecessors created. In 1919, women stood outside the White House and demanded that they are allowed to vote. New laws in the 1920s would promote women’s health and education. In the 1960s and 70s, feminists guaranteed, under the law, limited equal rights in the workplaces of universities and colleges and secured the use of contraception, along with abortions rights.

Now we are mad, fed up, screaming “me too”, your “times up”. It is that simple. Suburban, urban, rural or exurban are inconsequential factors.

As a businesswoman, I seek out and maintain sustainable practices in the multiple businesses I run. Sustainability rests on the principle that we must meet the needs of the present without compromising the abilities or opportunities of future generations. Therefore, if we are given a chance to influence other people, we should not influence their hate, jealousy, or anger.

We have wasted almost a half century, and things have not become better. Women were slipping. But now, we are fed up. We need to get back up and push ourselves, push our pain to where we need to be. Our pain will move us from where we are today to where we want to be in the future.

Women have an opportunity of a lifetime.

Women, if you want this to be your decade, you must give up the trivial. Stretch, work day and night, and reach for your unfolding future. We are inches away from losing all those rights the women and men before us had struggled to achieve. You don’t want it bad enough if you’re going to relax on the weekends. You can’t relax, you must get up and decide how you are going to fix this it. We need to teach valuable skills and life-long lessons emphasizing that Women’s Rights are invaluable to our society. Teach young girls that poise and grace can exist with grit and passion. Because this is a long hard fight, do you have the skill and determination to stay in the game? I do; challenge me, be stronger than me, make us all reach towards a better future for Women.

I’m fed up.

Jenneffer Pulapaka



Wednesday Wreading: She Unnames Them

Wednesday Wreading: She Unnames Them
one page/4 min read

She Unnames Them



Girls, Girls, Girls – for tips

Hospitality is an environment of misogyny, servitude, and sexual harassment from the guests as well. For the last 12 years, I have lived in a community that is welcoming and divisive. Ten years ago, I moved into the realm of hospitality at night, and I endured the darker side of people’s essence. I have been adamant and will remain steadfast in my lack of tolerance from those demanding servitude or subjugation. You know who you are, and this is not about exposing you at this time.

The number of women customers that had abused staff is heinous. People who assume it was mostly abuse “by men on women” have pedestrian thinking.

I have had:

  • Dr’s wives snapping fingers and calling me bitch,
  • local businesswomen addressing me as “honey” & “sweety”,
  • “Do you know who I am? And I ‘m more important than that other table,
  • a relator’s father physically hitting me,
  • the business owner walks out without play for her bottle,
  • dentist demands staff to hold the check until next week,
  • gossiping “alternative” facts only behind my back,
  • women verbally beating me up because I have a natural frown,
  • and blackmailing me if they don’t get a reservation when the tiny dining room was already booked up.

Initially, I was able to brush off the venom; but like a dog that is punched daily, I was unable to sustain that level of abuse from the guests while remaining pleasant and perky with a smile on my face. They sent me to a “bad place”; and I was angry with everyone, everything, from every side.  We even began arguing with each other, staff against staff over who could make more money. It was there, in that place, that I changed. I became intolerant of the abuse and learned to resist. With my husband by my side, we stood up and said enough.  That was over three years ago.

So what happened? Why three years ago? Colossal relief came to all of the staff with the inclusion of tips. Customers lost their leverage to be nasty, abusive, and sexually harass the team. We made sweeping changes that resulted in staff equality between the front and back of the house teams. We took the power back and lifted the staff up.  Hospitality businesses locally and globally pimp out their “girls”; present them to the public like a toy that guests can harass for tips.  No more.  We gave them the freedom to say, ENOUGH.

This is an excellent NYT interactive, THE TIPPING EQUATION, this time its about the sexual harassment experienced by waitstaff in the restaurant industry: “In interviews, more than 60 servers and bartenders—nervous teenagers and seasoned veterans, students and single mothers, a few men but mostly women—shared stories of crude comments, propositions, groping and even stalking from customers. They work in diners, chain restaurants, and high-end dining establishments; they reported hourly take-home pay ranging from $8 to more than $40.

